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The world’s richest farmers now spend most of their time in the office and not in the field. They are now ranked among the richest people in the world.


Chinese billionaire and the richest farmer in the world, Qin Yinglin, has a net worth of $17.6 billion. He grew up in poverty but now he has made his money from pig breeding. He studied pig farming at Henan Agricultural University.


The billionaire is the chairperson as well as CEO of Muyuan Foods Co Ltd which is one of the largest pig breeder and producer of pork products. He started the pig breeding business in 1992 with just 22 pigs. By 2013, the company was producing 1 million pigs for slaughter every year. As of 2019, Muyan Foodstuff Co Ltd was slaughtering five million pigs per annum. He owns 883 million shares of his company. His wife is also a billionaire while his son is the Vice President of Muyuan Group.


Qin Yinglin was born in Neixiang county in Henan province. He started his career at a pork producer owned by the state before starting his own business.


In 1992, Qin Yinglin established his own business with the help of his wife Qian Ying who is a board member at Muyuan Foods. The couple started with just 22 piglets. By 2019, his company owned 10 million pigs. He now owns a pork empire which has made him a billionaire.


The company has tight control of their own farms which makes it possible for them to control bio-security and hygiene hence control diseases.


Muyuan Foods is listed on the Shenzhen Stock exchange and is looking forward to an IPO in Switzerland.


The company constructed 21 multi-story pig pens which will be home to 84,000 sows. This farm which was constructed at a ‘breakneck pace’ is located in Neixiang County of Henan Province in China.


This evidence that he is the largest pig breeder in the world. He breeds 60 million pigs every year out of which he slaughters 13 million a year.

Muyuan Foods

In 2020, Muyuan Foods Co Ltd invested 40 billion yuan to construct new pig farms in China. China is home to the world’s largest herd of pigs.

The farms will put in place ‘intelligent’ feeding systems, manure collecting robots and infrared cameras to detect when pigs have fever. Inside the pig house, air is filtered.


In 2023, Muyuan Foods Co Ltd sold 63 million pigs out of which 13 million pigs were slaughtered. The company had 308 wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries across People’s Republic of China.


Muyuan Foods Co Ltd main business is farming, sales and slaughter of pigs. By end of 2023, Muyuan Foods Co. Ltd had a capacity of 80 million herds of pigs.


The company operated 10 slaughterhouses which together had a capacity to slaughter 29 million  pigs. However, by the end of the year under focus, the company had set up 26 slaughterhouses across China.


Muyuan Foods Co. Ltd operates on a vertically integrated business model by engaging in feed manufacturing, pig breeding and slaughtering.



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