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Lucy Jones, a 22-year-old trainee flight attendant never knew she was pregnant until she saw a baby at the toilet bowl. She thought she had stomach ache and rushed to the toilet. She said she heard a “crash”, only looking down to discover she has given birth. She was almost about to flush the toilet if not the hand of the baby that peeped out.


She claims that she never had pregnancy symptoms. She still had her monthly periods and used contraceptives. She also said that she had a medical examination and the pregnancy test came out negative. 

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She carried out her routines normally including working 70 hours per week, clubbing and drinking throughout her pregnancy.

“I had two negative pregnancy tests, because of my new cabin crew job I had to take them for that. I would have been eight months pregnant when I went for my medical and did the pregnancy tests.


“He [the doctor] pressed all down my stomach and body, and he suspected nothing. I was still taking the pill. I took it every day and had been on it for six or seven years.


“I went up one dress size after Christmas and then I went back down again, and I put that down to eating and drinking a lot.”

Lucy claimed.


“I had tummy and back ache the night before but I was due my period at the end of the week so just put it down to that. I woke up in the morning, had a bath and just thought I’d sleep it off before I went back to Bristol for work.


“I was in bed for about 45 minutes and it felt like my stomach flipped, it’s the only way I can describe it, and I just felt like I needed a poo.


“I ran to the toilet and gave birth to my daughter in the toilet at home by myself. I heard a crash and looked down and there was two feet sticking out of the toilet.


“I didn’t have any pain. No-one could believe that. I had my back ache and tummy ache but there wasn’t actually any pain when I was physically, what I thought was pushing out a poo.”

Lucy added.

After discovering the baby, Lucy became conscious and found herself at the hospital. In addition, during the pregnancy period, Lucy was doing her personal exercises like squats, jogging and push ups.  


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