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What is the difference between a Post-mortem and autopsy

“On job, the pathologist identifies the subject before conducting a post-mortem or an autopsy. In a post-mortem, you examine the body without dissecting it. An autopsy, on the other hand, is a more invasive and intrusive exercise where you dissect the body and remove organs for specialized examination,” Dr. Bernard Midia, Forensics pathologist at Kenyatta National Hospital.

Forensic pathology is also applied on rape and assault cases. There are approximately 80 pathologists in Kenya. That is for both private and public sector. Their distribution is skewed with Nairobi hosting the majority according to Dr. Bernard Midia.

There are a number of challenges that face forensics and pathology in Kenya. This includes lack of reagents at the Government Chemist which has a great impact on completing inquests.

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