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How much is need to implement projects in What is in Garissa County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022?  

Photo: Active citizens of Garissa County during a past event in Township.

It is estimated that resources to the tune of Ksh. 117 billion are required in order to implement all development projects in Garissa County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022.

If Garissa county decides to complete stalled projects, ongoing and flagship projects, then, Ksh. 213 billion will be required for the ongoing five-year period up to 2022.

Projected Revenue

What is in Garissa County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 projects that the county will be able to raise Ksh. 48 billion only. This will be raised from Own Source of Revenues (OSR)  (2.2 billion); Equitable Share (Ksh. 40 billion); C. grants (4.4 billion); other sources (Ksh. 1.5 billion).

Estimated Resource Gap

It is est that the overall successful implementation of this Garissa County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 will require Ksh. 117 billion for full implementation.

However, the county government will only be able to raise Ksh. 48 billion. That leaves the county with a budget gap of Ksh. 68 billion.


The above stated figures is exclusive of all pending bills and flagship projects as highlighted in Garissa County Integrated Development Plan. If you include the two, the County Government needs Ksh. 213 billion in total to deliver on their promises.

  • 73% of the population live below the poverty line (Economic Index Survey, 2009);
  • Garissa County is the second largest in terms of land Areas after Wajir 44,174 square kilometers;
  • The county is mostly flat and low-lying and characterized by laghas (dry river beds);
  • Construction of a medium-sized airport at Modica;
  • Tarmacking Lamu-Ijara-Garissa-Mandera road
  • At a cost of Ksh. 1.8 billion upgrade 36 kilometers of urban roads to bitumen standards;
  • 100 million on street lighting in Urban areas

Water and Irrigation Sector

  • Construction of offices in all sub-counties at a cost of Ksh. 100 million;
  • Development of County Irrigation master plan – Ksh. 10 million;
  • Construction of multipurpose mega pans for water storage at a cost of Ksh. 4.2 billion;

Land, Housing and Urban Development

Garissa County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 states that there will be investments in strengthening community conservancies and support the revival of national reserves within the county such as Bour Algi Conservancy. 


  • School feeding and health programmes at Ksh. 800 m
  • Teaching infrastructures and learning materials – Ksh. 1 billion
  • Construction of ECDE centers – Ksh. 600 million;


  • Peace building and conflict management and tolerance (ADR mechanisms, multi-cultural platforms) – Ksh. 300 million
  • Public participation (develop a framework for PP; active public participation) Ksh. 227 million;
  • Non-State Actors coordination (database of NSA working in each sector, identify their structures, main features and existing and planned activities) Ksh. 1.7 billion;


  • Develop rehabilitation of sports facilities = Ksh. 3.1 billion;
  • Purchase of vehicles = Ksh. 70 million;

Flagship Projects 

  • Modern and comprehensive healthcare system (200-bed Capacity county referral hospital; construct and equip seven healthcare centers in 7 sub-counties) = Ksh. 610 million;
  • Planning of selected settlements and provision of basic infrastructure to allow for processing of land tenure documents; 5,000 title deeds= Ksh. 150 million;
  • Planning and surveying of 10 sub county headquarters – Dadaab, Modogashe, Garissa, Bura, Balambala, Hulughu, Liboi and Benane at a cost of Ksh. 100 million;
  • 700 million to construct market at Garissa Township
  • Spend Ksh. 2 billion on development of affordable housing in all sub counties;
  • Multi-purpose fruit juice processing unit established Ksh. 100 million;
  • Development of development of County Museum and Sub-County county cultural centers at a cost of Ksh. 2 billion;
  • Creation of Sharia compliance Women Enterprise Fund at a cost Ksh. 500 Million;
  • Youth Sharia Compliance Micro-finance Fund  at a cost of Ksh. 500 million;
  • Construction of a full-fledged ECDE college in Garissa Township Ksh. 120 million;
  • National Optic Fibre Optic back-borne Infrastructure Ksh. 300 Million; 

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Read More: Garissa County CIDP 2018-2022

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