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Vietnam has been reported as having succeeded in making sure no coronavirus deaths. This is considered to be a successful story on responding to Covid-19 pandemic.

Vietnam has a population of 97 million people and so far so good, no coronavirus deaths. As of Saturday, Vietnam had 328 confirmed cases its long border with China notwithstanding. The Asian country also is a recipient of millions of visitors from China every year.

Vietnam is a low-middle income country and its healthcare system is not the best in the world and it has 8 doctors for every 10,000 people.

For more than 40 days Vietnam has not reported any new infections. Schools and businesses have already reopened in the country and life is gradually returning to normal.

To critics, the numbers of coronavirus deaths reported by Vietnam may be too good to be true. However, Dr. Guy Thwaites, a specialist on infectious diseases who works in one of the Vietnamese hospitals treating Covid-19 patients said the numbers are factual and represent the reality on the ground.

Now the million-dollar question is how did Vietnam manage this feat of zero coronavirus deaths? Public health experts have indicated that Vietnam has succeeded due to a number of factors such as fast government response, serious contact tracing, effective public communication and quarantines.

Vietnam took action early, preparations were started as soon as the outbreak was announced and before any cases were detected in the country. Vietnam started preparing for a coronavirus outbreak weeks before its first case was detected.

As early as January,  Vietnam had started measuring the temperatures of her citizens and passengers arriving from China at Hanoi International Airport. Those who had fever were immediately isolated and monitored.

By mid-January, Vu Duc Dam (Deputy Prime Minister) had order for increased surveillance at all ports of entry including sea ports, air ports and border posts.

  • Feb 1: all flights between Vietnam and China were suspended;
  • Over the month, visas to Vietnam were suspended and travel was restricted
  • As the coronavirus spread to other countries, Vietnam placed travel restrictions on many other countries such as South Korea, Italy and Iran;
  • Towards the end of March, all foreigners were not allowed to enter Vietnam;


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