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The Vice Chancellor at the University of Zimbabwe is currently under arrest for Awarding a doctorate to former first lady Grace Mugabe.


Levi Nyagura was arrested and detained by the anti-corruption agency. He will be charged with abuse of office. 


It’s alleged that Grace Mugabe had not completed all the requirements for her to be awarded that doctorate. She had just completed a few months since 2014 when she registered for the post graduate degree. This is a degree that takes years to complete and earn a degree.


 The arrest was made as a response to a petition which was submitted to the agency by the university staff.


Members of the sociology department at the University of Zimbabwe called for nullification of the award because Grace Mugabe had not provided enough evidence to support her need to be awarded a doctorate degree.


University of Zimbabwe regulations requires that all candidates to have their PhD thesis published but clearly hers was not published along side the others. The document in question was only published online in 2018.


Grace Mugabe is reported to have been awarded this qualification by her husband Robert Mugabe when he was the Chancellor of University of Zimbabwe. It’s strange that the doctorate title was even used on some of the campaign materials when Grace Mugabe started getting engaged in politics.


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