New Physical Activity Guidelines have been released by UK Chief Medical Officers Professor Dame Sally C Davis (Chief Medical Officer, England); Dr. Frank Atherton (Wale); Dr. Michael McBride (Northern Ireland) and Dr. Catherine Calderwood (Scotland).
If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.
-stated the guidelines.
You may find these Physical Activity Guidelines useful if you intend to live a health and long life.
The guidelines were released today 7 Sep 2019.
Regular physical activities can protect people from diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, social isolation, coronary heart diseases among others.
The guidelines point out the importance of being activity every single day. There is need for all people to change their attitudes towards performance of physical activities.
The Chief medical officers recognize the fact that the environment in which we live can make it nearly impossible to stay healthy.
Inactivity is and will continue being a source of poor health for many people around the world. There is need for all people to lead active life styles at all times. Let’s start with small changes in our lifestyles now.
Instead of using elevators or lifts, lets us embrace the stairs at all times. Get off the bus one bus stage earlier to get a chance to walk the rest of the remaining distance.
Sedentary or inactive lifestyles:
According to the guidelines, inactive lives has a negative impact on people’s life.
If you are inactive, you risk getting cancer and you reduce your chances of survival.
The guide recommends performance vigorous and intense activities with resting times in between for recovery.
As you start out target to do at least 10 minutes of intense and vigorous activities then rest followed more activities and repeat the process.
Recommended Physical exercise (19-64 years)