There is a twenty seven year old who is generating unimaginable amounts of money from online. This guy is known by the name Tyler Blevins aka Ninja
Did you know that it is possible to make millions of dollars playing video games. Now you know it is possible. In a single year one young man is making millions of dollars playing video games. This is pretty interesting if I may say.
Tyler Blevins aka Ninja told the media that the year 2018 was his best so far. In fact, this is so true that you cannot belief it. Tyler earned a whopping $10 million in 2018.
Tyler Blevins aka Ninja wears a colorful hair which is neon red. Currently, he is a cultural phenomenon. He has superior skills and great personality. This combination of attributes have assisted in making Fortnite a giant that it has become. This is the power behind the success of a company known as Epic Games which has generated reported profit of USD$3 billion per year.
Tyler Blevins aka Ninja was first featured in the scene when his life-streaming reached 628,000 people simultaneously. This was a record-breaker. Starting from that time Tyler is an icon on social media. People are also finding it very necessary to life-stream his playing of games as well.
Ninja’s bread and butter comes from live-streaming games. It’s estimated that 70% of his annual income comes from Switch and YouTube. The two platforms allow life streaming.
On number of subscribers, by the time we went into press, we found out that Tyler Blevins aka Ninja has over 20 million subscribers on YouTube. He earns his money from advertisements on his video channel. Nearly all of the videos on his channel have been viewed over a million times. That is the smell of success.
On Twitch, Ninja or Tyler has 12.5 million followers. CNN Business reported that at least 40,000 of those users pay money to watch him play the video games. From the subscribers, Tyler generates $4.99 to $9.99 from each one of the subscribers as subscription fee. There are different categories of access.
Literally Ninja blasts his way to success. Sponsors also play a central role in the amount of income Ninja generates. Think of Red Bull, Samsung and Uber Eats among others. These sponsors have made Ninja to be at the top of the esports community online.
However, there is an unanswered question on whether people like Tyler aka Ninja are athletes because he appeared on the ESPN Magazine which is known to feature athletes.

Ninja believes that playing video games is like having a small coffee shop, if you are not available customers will have to find another coffee shop around the corner. That is why he concluded that you have to be there at all times to serve the users.
Ninja is available on his channel 12 hours every day. When speaking to CNN Business, he estimated that he had worked out of Fornite for over 4,000 hours in 2018. This is an equivalent of 140 working days. Whenever they are away from their online business they lose subscribers. That is also how much money they lose. This is because we are aware that time is money.
The last time he had a vacation is when he went for his honeymoon with his wife who also serves as a manager for his business. That was 8 years ago. Since then, they have never thought of going out for another vacation.
Fornite Statistics
Currently, Fornite has over 200 million registered players around the globe. This is approximately 66% increase in numbers since June 2016. The numbers are still growing.
Ninja is currently diversifying by adopting new revenue streams such as having a clothing line and engaging in music business. As a result of the new engagements, he has released new rap songs such as “Fortnite Rap Battle” and “Ninjaweks”. These songs have been watched online with over 80 million views on YouTube alone.
Ninja is a legend. He is always online. He always turns on his camera and broadcast himself to millions of users out there.
That is the story. Take action today and identify your hobby or talent and exploit it to the fullest. Won’t you?
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