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Recently Forbes reported that Donald Trump’s distrust of economic data is quite phenomenal. Trump who has in the past told the world that “do not believe in those phony numbers.”
This is shocking considering that it has been uttered by the President of the United States of America.

It’s so sad that the president doesn’t believe in the job market data. Afterwards, he made a 180 degree u-turn defend the US job market data.

This behavior isn’t just shocking but also ridiculous to the world. The efforts of Trump in undermining official economic data is no longer a laughing issue.

In the past, worst things have happened to economic data.  Consider for example the case of Argentina where a former president nominated a political ally to be in-charge of doctoring inflation statistics. The result was misreporting of 25 percent inflation rate as one-digit data.

Generally, Trump inherited a good economy. Therefore, we can assume that he doesn’t have a good reason to doctor economic data figures. I can argue that Trump does not have any reason to guarantee his undermining of economic data.  

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