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Let’s explore Trans Nzoia County CIDP 2018-2022. Trans Nzoia covers an area of 2,495.6 square kilometres.

There are five constituencies in Trans Nzoia – Kwanza, Endebess, Saboti, Kiminini and Cherangany.

There are 25 electoral wards,

Population: 818,757 people

Rivers: Ewaso-Rongai, Noigamaget and Sabwani.

The county has Cherangany Hills and Mt. Elgon.

There are 168 public health facilities and the distance to nearest health facility ranges from 1 kilometre in urban areas and 5 kilometres for rural areas.

The doctor population ratio is 1:11,000 while the nurse population ration is 1:2,051. According to Trans Nzoia County CIDP 2018 to 2022, there was has 715 ECDE Centres, 648 primary schools, 261 Secondary Schools, 1 National Polytechnic, 3 VTC, 1 teacher training College for P1 and 16 ECDE training centers. There are 8 affiliate universities;

To finance the proposed projects in the Trans Nzoia CIDP 2018 – 2022, a total of Ksh. 46.17 billion is required. However, the revenue projection for the period is Ksh. 37.48 billion. Hence, there is a Ksh. 8.69 billion resource gap.

Trans Nzoia is the home of Mt. Elgon, the second highest mountain in Kenya. The mountain in on the border with Uganda.


  • The total County revenue in the five year period between July 2013 and June 2018 from the various sources was KES. 23.38 billion comprising KES.21.5 billion from equitable share, KES. 1.03 billion from local sources and KES. 844 million from grants and other sources.
  • The total development expenditure for the five financial years ending December 2017 was KES. 6,732,228,926.
  • The total recurrent expenditure in all sectors for the same period was KES. 10,391,886,388.


  • Establishment of a County Teaching and Referral Hospital;
  • Upgrading of sub-County hospitals;
  • Establishment and strengthening of Community Health Units through the Community Strategy;
  • Rehabilitation and expansion of tier 1 and tier 2 facilities (rural health facilities);
  • Revamping emergency healthcare services and emergency response protocols;
  • Sustainable supply of essential medicines and medical supplies;
  • Development of infrastructure at all hospitals and select health centers.


  • Development of ECDE infrastructure; Supervision and quality assurance;
  • Establishment of ECDE health and nutrition program;
  • Employment of ECDE teachers and polytechnic instructors;
  • Procurement and distribution of tools, equipment, learning and instructional materials;
  • Establishment of a model Vocational Training Center;
  • Employment of staff; Procurement of instructional materials;
  • Quality assurance and standards;
  • Furniture and equipment library, ICT room;
  • Development of infrastructure in VTCs;
  • Establishment of resource data centers/ICT villages;
  • Provision of internet connectivity to all County public institutions;
  • Develop communication programs;
  • E-government and automation of operations;
  • Develop an interactive website; County newspaper;
  • Install an intercom system;
  • Integrate ICT in education delivery-construct and laboratories, train teachers;
  • Modern Library;
  • Model technical institute;
  • Supervision and quality assurance
  1. f) Education and ICT

Constructed 120 ECDE classrooms in all the wards.

  1. ii) Hired and deployed 766 caregivers to all ECDE centres in the County.

iii) Established 25 Vocational Training Centres in all the wards.

  1.  Disbursed KES 370 million from the Elimu Bursary Fund to 36,000 beneficiaries
  2. Hired and deployed 114 VTC instructors.
  3. Procured and distributed tools and equipment to 25 vocational training centres. vii)Procured and distributed instructional and learning materials to all public ECDE centres.
  4. g) Health Sector i)   Constructed 350 bed capacity Trans Nzoia County Teaching and Referral Hospital which is 90 percent complete. ii)  Rehabilitated Kitale County Hospital and Mt. Elgon Hospital.
  5. Constructed, equipped and commissioned a twin ward at Kitale County Hospital iv) Installed an oxygen plant at Kitale County Hospital.
  6. Renovated and expanded Kitale Campus of the KMTC.
  7. Constructed an incinerator at Kitale Referral Hospital.
  8. Established 2 renal units at Kitale County Referral Hospital and Endebess Sub County Hospital.
  9. Procured and installed a 450 KVA backup generator at Kitale County Referral Hospital
  10. 5 sub-County hospitals and 10 health centres were renovated and expanded
  11. Constructed outpatient department block at Bikeke health centre and Tarakwa, Naisambu, Kiminini, Nabiswa, Birunda and Bondeni dispensaries.
  12. Purchased and deployed 6 ambulances manned by trained paramedics
  13. Increased supply of essential medicines and other medical supplies.
  14. Procured a truck for efficient distribution of essential medicines and medical supplies.


Litigation issues: the court case against the employment of ECDE care givers affected timely service delivery in the education sector.


  1. Reducing the burden of communicable diseases;
  2. Halting and reversing the rising burden of non-communicable conditions and mental disorders;
  3. Reducing the burden of violence and injuries; provision of essential healthcare that is affordable, equitable, accessible, of high quality and responsive to clients‟ needs; and
  4. Minimizing exposure to health risk factors.

Sector priorities

The major identified sector priorities for implementation during the plan period include:

  1. Operationalization of the County Teaching and Referral Hospital;
  2. Construction of one new dispensary in each ward;
  3. Increasing annual investment in the procurement of pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceuticals; restructuring the health sector;
  4. Establishment of a medical insurance programme for the vulnerable groups;

Addressing Malaria, HIV AIDS and other communicable diseases;

  1. Enhance Health Workers Volunteer Program;
  2. vii)Rehabilitation and upgrading of all the sub County hospitals viii) Reduce doctor/nurse population ratio.

Sector strategies of Trans Nzoia County CIDP 2018-2022 

  • In order to address the identified sector needs and priorities, the strategies to be adopted include;
  • Rehabilitation, expansion and equipping of existing health facilities;
  • Completion and operationalization of County Teaching and Referral hospital;
  • Revamping the originally mapped 198 health units;
  • Provision of adequate resources to procure medicines in adequate quantities
  • Installation of an ICT drug management system to track the movement of medicines and medical supplies from the County storage unit to the various health facilities;
  • Developing a customised County community strategy policy document to direct community strategy activities within the County;
  • Recruit more healthcare workers to ensure adequate service delivery;
  • Address regular labour unrest and industrial disputes in the sector that have occasionally hampered healthcare provision and emergency response


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