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The supreme leader of Afghanistan has prohibited poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.


Afghanistan is the leading world producer of Poppy.


Poppy is a crop that produces opium which is used to make heroin. 


It is currently harvesting time but the supreme leader has warned that if they proceed to harvest, action will be taken against them including burning the crop and get a jail term.



Poppies are the source of income for many small scale farmers across Afghanistan.


Laborers can earn up to $300 per month harvesting and extracting opium. 


According to the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, before Taliban took over leadership of the country, Afghanistan produced over 6,000 tons of opium.  This is enough to produce 320 tons of pure heroin. 


Afghanistan produces more heroin than all opium producing countries worldwide. 


The United States of America spent an excess of $8 billion trying to eradicate opium production in Afghanistan during its 20-year war. 


The supreme leader of Afghanistan also outlawed the “transportation, trade, export and import of all types of narcotics such as hashish, alcohol, heroin, and tablet K.” 


Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban’s spokesman announced the ban during a  news conference in Kabul. 

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