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The Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has been ordered by the director of public prosecutions Kenya Noordin Haji to open an investigation on the edited video that circulated on twitter.


The clip showed the Deputy President making incitement remarks, which was the opposite of what he was saying. The DP was telling those communities apart from the Kalenjin community, to feel at home and no need to move for safety reasons.


This was the opposite of what the clip was portraying.

The clip alleged to be shared by the Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho and the Suna East MP Junet Mohammed. Junet is also the Azimio coalition Secretary General. The twitter platform used was verified to be Joho’s account.

Noordin Haji

 “The investigation file should be submitted to the office of the undersigned, within seven days of the date hereof,” Noordin Haji directed Mutyambai.


The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) also appealed  the same case through the Secretary General Veronica Maina.


 “This video is a choreographed version intended to cause, elicit and spread hate, incitement to violence, ethnic discrimination, and disharmony. The video has also been intentionally edited with a deliberate aim and objective to cause ethnic hatred, fear, and intolerance during this peak political season,” the UDA Secretary General said.


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