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County Bio Data

  • Tana River County one of the six Counties in the Coastal region of Kenya
  • land size of 38,682 square kilometers 
  • Borders Garissa County to the North, Isiolo County to the North-West, Kitui County to the West, Kilifi County to the South-West, Lamu County to the North-West and The Indian Ocean to the South.

Tana Administration Structure

  • sub-counties namely: Bura, Galole, and Garsen
  • There are 9 Divisions, 45 locations and 96 sub-locations. It has Fifteen (15) county assembly wards.
  • Population: 240,000 (KPHC 2009)
  • Population growth rate: 3.4% p.a.

Facts about land in Tana River

  • Mean Holding Size: 4 Ha (Hola and Bura)
  • Settlement Schemes (Witu I and Witu II) = 15 acres
  • Ngao Adjudication Area: 5 acres
  • Some farmers in Hola and Bura own 0.6 ha – 3 ha.
  • Percentage of land with title deeds: 4.3%
  • Most land owners have no title deeds because this is community land held in trust by the government.
  • Landlessness: 95.7% (squatters). These people have no title deeds of the land that they occupy. Madogo area is occupied by people from Garissa.

Principles of Land Use in Kenya 

Article 60(1) Constitution of Kenya:

  1. Land in Kenya shall be held, used and managed in a manner that is equitable, efficient, productive and sustainable and in accordance to the following principles.
  2. Equitable access to land
  3. Security of land rights
  4. Sustainable and productive management of land resources
  5. Transparent and cost effective administrative of land
  6. Conservation of ecologically sensitive areas
  7. Elimination of gender discrimination in law, customs and practices related to land and property in land
  8. Encouragement of communities to use Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms

Situation Analysis

  • The land in the county is largely non-arable covering 31,798.7 km2, forming 80 % of the total land size. The arable land covers 2,547 square kilometers forming about 7 %.
  • About 76.9% of the population live in absolute poverty.
  • 82.2% of population depend on agriculture and livestock.

Budget Implementation Tana River

In FY 2013/14 Tana River had an approved budget of Kshs. 3.2 Billion comprising Ksh. 2.2 Billion (63%) for recurrent expenditure and Ksh. 1.2 Billion (37%) for development expenditure.

Revenue from local sources: Ksh. 87.3 million (3%) and Ksh. 67 million (2%) being balance brought forward from FY 2012/2013.

During the period, the county received Ksh. 2.9 Billion (97%) was national equitable share.

Budget Implementation in Tana River County 

  • In FY 2013/14 Tana River had an approved budget of Ksh. 3.2 Billion comprising Ksh. 2.2 Billion (63%) for recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 1.2 Billion (37%) for development expenditure.
  • Revenue from local sources: Ksh. 87.3 million (3%) and Ksh. 67 million (2%) being balance brought forward from FY 2012/2013.
  • During the period, the county received Ksh. 2.9 Billion (97%) was national equitable share.

Budget Analysis

  • TR CG collected Ksh. 32 million from local sources. This was 37% of the local revenue target.
  • Total expenditure was Ksh. 1.32 Billion which was 48% of the funds released. The county spent Ksh. 1.3 B or 98% on recurrent activities and Ksh. 32 million on (2%) on development activities.
  • Absorption rate (recurrent) was 64 per cent of the annual recurrent budget. Development was 3 per cent of the annual development budget.

Challenges/issues FY 2013/2014

  • Low absorption of development funds caused by delays in preparing procurement and work plans and limited technical capacity.
  • Delays in appointment of chief officers affected implementation in the first 6 months of FY 2013/2014.
  • Low local revenue collection.

Types of land Use in Tana River

  • Large scale sugar production (proposed in 2005)
  • Oil and gas exploration (on-going)
  • Titanium mining (dormant)
  • Lower Tana River Village Irrigation Scheme (failed due to salt water intrusion)
  • Tana Delta Irrigation Project (Started in 1990s later destroyed by El Nino rains)
  • Large scale maize and rice production (on-going)
  • Proposed road and railway to link Malindi and Lamu port

Land Sector Budgetary Allocation

  • In FY 2013/2014 Tana River allocated Kshs 10,134,000 towards Surveying and Mapping of land.

Read More: Garissa County CIDP 2018-2022

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