TAG tax

Sugar intake taxes
Sugar intake taxes Sugar intake tax has been introduced because governments are worried about the way people consume lots of sugar. This excess consumption of sugar has an effect of causing diet […]
Experts have indicated that Kenya’s economy will continue growing despite the high debt burden. The experts have proposed the following actions for a better economic future: Control the existing debt levels […]

BudgIT Nigeria, a great Civic Tech Organization
BudgIT Nigeria was founded by Oluseun Onigbinde in 2011. Onigbinde is a Nigerian internet entrepreneur and and open data analyst. BudgIT Nigeria is a great civic technology organization that operates out of […]
Excise duty tax in Kenya
The Current Jubilee Administration has made a number of reforms on Value Added Tax (VAT) and now the excise duty laws. All these efforts have been done within the last two and […]
Marc Rich Net worth
March Rich net worth is in billons. He is a swashbuckling oil trader who fled into exile in Switzerland after being accused of widespread, illegal trading with Iran and tax evasion. Later […]