TAG Nyamira County
MP aspirants in Kitutu Masaba Constituency
This is a summary or highlight of what is happening in Kitutu Masaba’s political arena as we move close into August 2022.
We aim to cover what is happening, who is vying for what seat in our beloved constituency.
We shall also look at other constituencies around Gusii land.
Nyamira County Revenue collection trends
Trends of Revenue collection in Nyamira County Haya ndio matokeo ya Kaunti ya Nyamira katika kukusanya ushuru kutokana na Single Business Permits, cess, parking fees na zile zingine. Mwaka wa kifedha was […]
UPDATES ON Bonyunyu Dam Project in Nyamira County
We’ve access to additional information on Bonyunyu Dam Project based in Kitutu Masaba Constituency of Nyamira County. According to Lake Victoria South Water Services Board under completed, ongoing and planned projects the […]
Bonyunyu Residents call for Processing of title deeds to facilitate compensation
Bonyunyu Residents call for Processing of title deeds to facilitate compensation Bonyunyu residents area, where a dam that is to cost Ksh5.8 billion is to be built have asked the government to […]

Nyamira County has acquired her own fire engine
Photo: Nyamira County new Fire TruckNyamira County governor Hon. John Nyagarama has announced the arrival of a new fire truck to help in handling fire accidents in his territory. This reminds us […]
Nyamira County Cabinet Sworn-in
His Excellence the Governor John Nyagarama, his Deputy Amos Nyaribo and County Assembly Speaker Moffat witnessed the swearing in of County Executive Committee Members at the County Headquarters in Nyamira town. Several […]