TAG Nairobi City

Does Nairobi proposed budget for 2019/2020 contain a summary table allowing easy comparison of total proposed spending for all ministries/departments?
There is no summary table to enable easy comparison of total Nairobi proposed budget expenditure for Nairobi County administrative units in FY 2019/2020. Nairobi County Treasury should be asked to include […]
Call for public participation on Urban Housing Renewal and Regeneration Policy
Call for public participation on Urban Housing Renewal and Regeneration Policy Nairobi City County has floated a call for public participation on Sessional Paper no.1 of 2018 on urban housing renewal and […]
Health Living and other Stories (Sunday 11/4/2018)
Health Living and other stories (Sunday 11/4/2018) Today I went out for a roadwork to keep fit and subsequently avoid lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, hypertension and diabetes among […]
As we approached the Nairobi International Trade Fair showground from the Kibera gate, we had to go through several hawkers who sell their merchandise and services such as face painting for children […]
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Projects in Kenya
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Projects in Kenya According to Manuel Moses – the International Finance Corporation (IFC) country manager- the multilateral agency is assisting refugee communities in Kakuma Refugee Camp based in […]
Public participation for 21st Century democracy
Public participation in the 21st Century democracy involves analysis of policy documents and presentation of oral and written proposals to the state.
Nairobi County Budget 2018/2019
Nairobi County Budget enacted a Ksh. 32 billion shillings budget for the year which commenced today 1st July, 2018. A total of Ksh. 21.1 billion will be spent on recurrent expending and […]

Nairobi County Appoints new Advisers
Nairobi County Appoints new Advisers Governor Mike Sonko has hired new advisers to serve his government. The top adviser for urban planning and renewal is the Former Clerk of Nairobi City, John […]
Kilimani Area Nairobi
KILIMANI AREA, NAIROBI During the colonial times, Kilimani area was set aside for whites only. Segregation. This place was only integrated for all people starting from 1960s. There are important addresses […]
Marabou Stork for a clean Nairobi City
MARABOU STORK FOR A CLEANER CITY Marabou stork play a great role in ensuring that our city is clean. They eat all kinds of waste from the garbage deposited by humans. Anything […]