TAG human rights
Africa Commission on Human and People’s Rights 79th Session
The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) has announced that their 79th Session is scheduled from 14th May to 3rd June 2024. The opening ceremony will take place on […]
Alexey Navalny dies in Prison
Alexey Navalny dies in prison. He was an outspoken critic of President Vladmir Putin for many years. At the peak of his leadership, Alexey Navalny organized anti-government demos and campaigned against […]
Human rights standards
Human rights standards When speaking about business and human rights, we refer to all types of businesses and not just the larger businesses. The following are some of the existing human rights […]

Is education is a right or a privilege?
Is education a right or a privilege? Jose Nino, a writer and human rights activist from Venezuela has written a great article on education on Mises Wire arguing on whether education is […]

Open Letter to Mombasa County Residents
Open Letter to Mombasa County Residents I’ve penned a touching open letter to Mombasa County residents. It’s published on Hakijamii Blog where we’ll be sharing ideas, analyses, insights and data on the […]
The Official Opening of ACCA General Assembly
The Official Opening of ACCA General Assembly African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) is holding its general assembly between 14th – 16th November 2017. The assembly is taking place at Farm Inn […]
Reading List of the week
Reading list is a curated collection of books, articles, or other written materials designed to inform, inspire, or educate readers on a particular topic or across multiple subjects This week I’ve made […]
Failure to promote human rights is stupidity!!
Read more; -European Commission removes Tanzania from its conservation funding due to human rights violations of Maasai -Colombia is deadliest country in America for Human Rights Defenders