TAG Garissa County
Garissa County Water shortage in Modica location
Water Shortage bites Modica Location in Garissa County Parts of Modica location in Garissa County have a water piping system infrastructure but the last time the residents received water on those pipes […]
Mathenge tree is a danger to livestock
Mathenge tree is a danger to livestock The Mathenge tree is known by its scientific name – prosopis Juliflora– and its considered to be poisonous for both humans and livestock. The mathenge tree […]
Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary
Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary This is the second time I’ve made a visit to Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary in Garissa County. The place is said to be a home to nearly 1,000 giraffes. It’s […]
Interview: History of Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary
Interview: History of Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary Today, I was lucky to get two residents of Garissa County to discuss the background of Bour-Algi Giraffe Sanctuary. Garad is a warden at the sanctuary […]
Possible Challenges and Effects of LAPSSET Corridor Projects on People of Garissa County
Possible Challenges and Effects of LAPSSET Corridor Projects on People of Garissa County ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES Looming evictions Compulsory land acquisitions Accidents during construction Rapid population growth due to migration of people in […]

All you need to know about Garissa County
Garissa County Garissa County is located to the North Eastern part of Kenya. Garissa county is the home of the largest refugee camp. The camp accommodates 260,000 refugees from Somalia. The county […]

Northern Water Services Board Kenya
Northern Water Services Board serves seven counties in the North Eastern part of Kenya. These are: Samburu, Garissa, Laikipia, Mandera, Marsabit, Wajir and Isiolo. Most of these counties are considered to be […]

Garissa County: Aiming for Justice and Prosperity
Do you know your county government well? How much did your county allocate for provision of basic services? How much does it collect in the form of local revenues? What was the […]