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Wang Wei is a Chinese billionaire with a net worth of $13.4 billion. He is the chairperson of S.F. Holding. This is a delivery company known as SF Express.


Holding was founded by Wang in 1993 and he still remains the largest shareholder of the company.


The company does not outsource deliveries to franchisees, they depend on their employees, fleet of aircraft and motor vehicles to do the job.


Wang Wei is a self-made billionaire from package delivery business.The company uses delivery drone to deliver packages. SF Express employs an excess of 80,000 people and owns 38 Boeng planes for transport of cargo (SF Airlines). The company operates in Korea, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, US, Japan, Europe and Malaysia.


Wang became a billionaire when his company went public in 2017.

Watch video about Wang Wei here.



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