Senegal reopens schools for final year students who are waiting to sit for national exams to return to class. However, they’ll have to adhere to strict guidelines that include maintaining social distance, wearing face masks, washing of hands and temperature checks.
The country took weeks to prepare for the reopening. Thorough Cleaning and disinfection of classrooms was done.
Learning will last for 6 hours ending at 15:00 local time. School lunches have been cancelled and the sale of food in and around schools has been banned.
Covid-19 cases in the country are surging but teachers and parents want to save the school year.
In the classrooms, only one student sits at a table. A maximum of 20 pupils can use a classroom. However, not all schools have been able to implement the government precautions.
The national examinations will be done in mid-August and the new timetable is already in place. Teachers and students are anxious to catch up time that was lost while students were at home.
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3 thoughts on “Senegal reopens schools with strict guidelines”
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mode of transmission should be established then preventive measures put in place to combat before schools are opened.