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There are numerous calls forSecession attempts from many corners of the globe. This is being made by separatist movements who argue that that secession is better that status quo.


It’s just wrong for states to portray these calls for session as being pushed by extremists. In 2014 a total of 45 percent of Scotish voted to secede from Britain.


We can’t forget that Britain successfully seceded from the European Union.  This was nicknamed Brexit. It worked well for this case.


In North America, California made an attempt. Elsewhere, Catalonia engaged in a violent secession battle.


Secession attempts nowadays have a new name in “sovereignty referendums.” The trend in secession push was triggered by Massachusetts in 1776. Since then, the world has experienced 630 sovereignty referendums.


In 1990 it’s reported that there were 110 such sovereign referendums. With the help of Portugal East Timor’s referendum was presided over by United Nations in 1999.


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