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Kenya Safari Rally 2025 is happening. As I write this post, the cars are racing between the Sleeping Warrior in Naivasha and Elementaita in Nakuru.

Safari Rally 2025

I’m sitting on the green grass as I furiously type on my phone keyboard to keep you up to date on this matter.

usually, the field that I am occupying now is occupied by wildlife. Mostly zebras, antelopes and sometimes hyenas. Now it is a public event venue.

The wildlife have paved way for the important event to take place.

Children and adults at blowing their trumpets locally known as vuvu Zelda. It is part of celebrations by Kenyans, Ugandans and residents of other East African nations.


Helicopter taxi

in the venue, there was a blue helicopter which was transporting what seemed like paying clients of event officials an air lift to other venue in the big picture of Kenya Safari Rally 2025.


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