In this article, we are focusing on budgetary allocation to the education sector in Kenya and how it relates to the resource requirements.
Resource allocation
Kenya is planning to reopen schools from 1st September, 2020. Exams will be conducted in 2021.
The Cabinet Secretary for Education indicated that if he had powers, he could close all pornographic sites in Kenya to safeguard students from harmful effects of these videos.
Kenyan budget for FY 2020/2021 has allocated Ksh. 2.4 billion will be spent on recruitment of intern teachers.
A total of Ksh. 300 million for recruitment of 1,000 IT interns to support online learning in public schools.
A total of Ksh. 59.4 billion has been allocated for Free Day Secondary Education including paying for their NHIF. The resource requirement according to education sector requirement is Ksh. 80.9 billion. This means that Free Day Secondary Education received Ksh. 73% of what they needed for FY 2020/2021.
The Free Primary Education (FPE) which started in 2003 has been allocated Ksh. 12.4 billion.
The Teachers Service Commission has been allocated Ksh. 2 billion for recruitment of 5,000 teachers.
A total of Ksh. 1.8 billion has been set aside for the school feeding programme.
The examinations fees waiver has been allocated Ksh. 4 billion. This will benefit examination candidate for class 8 and form 4 in public and private schools.
National Research Fund
The National Research Fund has been allocated Ksh. 323 million. This is used to promote advancement of scientific research, inventions and innovations in the field of science.
Employment of Teachers
Trained teachers are the biggest beneficiaries of the education budget for 2020/2021. A total of Ksh. 2.4 billion has been set aside for employment of 10,000 intern teachers by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). The objective is to support 100% transition in schools.
Education Sector report indicates that there are over 300,000 teachers in Kenya. TSC uses their annual budget for registration and recruitment of teachers among other functions.
School infrastructure
Additional classrooms in secondary schools will be constructed at a cost of Ksh. 2.1 billion.
At least 250,000 fabricated desks will be made for primary and secondary schools across the country at a cost of Ksh. 1.9 billion.
A total of Ksh. 700 million was allocated for capitation for construction of infrastructure at low-cost boarding schools in Arid and Semi Arid Lands where local labor will be hired.
University Education
A total of Ksh. 94.9 billion has been allocated to support University Education. This is just 72% of the resource requirement for University Education according to Education Sector report for 2021-2023.
Read more:
- Coronavirus strengthens China’s online education
- Kenya education sector working group report 2020- 2023;