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Eleven diplomats urged the Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga to recognize Uhuru Kenyatta as the legitimate president. Some of them were from Britain and the United States of America. The envoys said that Raila should accept Uhuru’s presidency. They described the democracy of Kenya to be at the crossroads. They also urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to uphold the rule of law and stop the purge on the opposition and the media. They were led by Robert Godec, the USA ambassador to Kenya. They expressed their concern on the political activities that have taken place recently, like the controversial inauguration of the NASA leader and the purge of the opposition and the media. The steps that the opposition and the government have taken have undermined various institutions. The opposition had their ‘swearing-in’ ceremony on 30 January 2017, they swore-in Raila Odinga as the ‘people’s president’ and as a result, the government shut down some of the broadcasters and some participants were arrested. One of Odinga’s advisor was deported despite the court orders for him to be produced in court and be released on bail. The eleven diplomats urged the Kenyan government to obey the law and comply with the court orders.  The freedom of media, expression, and all the civil rights should be respected and protected. The members of the Law Society of Kenya have already announced that they will hold a demonstration on 15 February 2018 to protest the failure of the government to obey court orders. Raila Odinga accused the diplomats of supporting the current government led by Uhuru Kenya. Read More: Follow us on Twitter @kerosiT
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