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Public participation on Nairobi County Housing Urban Renewal and Regeneration policy (photos)

The following issues were raised at the public forum:

  • One of the mandates of County Government as provided by the 4th Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya is to collect county statistics. It is now clear that Nairobi County should collect its own statistics or risk using outdated data for decision-making;
  • For urban renewal, there is need to build the capacity of local companies in terms of capital and skills and this should be enshrined in the policy document;
  • Management of waste at the household level should put into action the three R’s of reduce, reuse and recycle;
  • Make mandatory the provision of safe and secure pedestrian and bicycle lanes to promote non-motorized transport;
  • The first financier of urban renewal and regeneration should be the state since this is a sign of commitment;
  • It does not make sense to establish numerous public corporations i.e. one for each project, instead, the Nairobi County should see how to plug in their efforts to the National Housing Fund;
  • The policy should come out clearly on the role of County government in regulating the private sector;
  • The policy should include guidelines on who should sit in the steering committee which will oversee the allocation and resettlement of the relocated residents;
  • The policy should provide for an efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism since there will always be disagreements, these events should not spill to courts since that will cause delays in the project implementation process;

Below are some of the photos and narratives captured from the event for your exclusive benefit:

Photo: On arrival at the public participation venue, I thought no meeting was going to happen. There were a couple of people at Charter Hall. Date: 29.01.2019.
Photo: Nairobi residents at Charter hall attending public participation on Nairobi County Housing, Urban regeneration and renewal policy.


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