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A County Development Plan (CDP) is a strategic framework designed to guide the growth, development, and sustainability of a specific county or local area.

Today we participated in at Joseph Kangete grounds- Woodley in Kibra Constituency in Nairobi.

The picture below is an evidence of what transpired at the venue:

Residents lining up to register before embarking in the debates on development projects
Photo: Residents of Kibra Constituency lining up to register before embarking in the debates on development projects

I was surprised to learn that the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the County Annual Development Plan (CADP) were the final versions. This means that any new proposals may not be included in the planned county development projects.

Nairobi County Official presiding over the public participation forum at Joseph Kangethe Woodley
Nairobi County Official presiding over the public participation forum at Joseph Kangethe Woodley
Photo: Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022
Photo: This is the Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. We noted that its is the final draft so we can’t understand why they won’t wait for public participation to take place and approval to be granted by the County Assembly before printing the final documents! The public forum was meant to allow citizens give their input on both the CIDP and CADP but only projects related Kibra Constituency were read from the CIDP and residents were asked to confirm whether they were a true reflection of the previous public participation that took place in 2017. The residents were wrongly made to understand that the County Annual Development Plan (CADP) is a summary of the CIDP. This is true and false, facilitators did not mention that the projects in the CADP will be implemented in Financial Year 2018/2019. 

In Kibra Sub-County a number of development projects are lined-up in the CIDP 2018-2022 as listed below:

-2 fire engines at the sub-county offices

-Legio-maria-Lindi main road

– Drilling of boreholes at Kichinjio and Makongeni area

– Tarmaking of Kichijio road

-expansion of health Center at DC’s Office to include a maternity wing

– a fire station to be established at the ward level


-Tarmacking of corner club-Mama Okinda road and drainage

-Provision of youth empowerment projects such as car wash machines; hairdressing; water tanks; ICT centers;

-renovation of 42 terminus and No.8 stage


-Upgrading of Joseph Kangethe playgrounds

-Rehabilitation of Digo Road in Ngumo

The traders from Woodley Ward requested the Nairobi County government to waiver licenses. This was opposed since this is a source of resources for development projects in Nairobi County.

Repair and Maintainance of Flood Lights in Jamuhuri Estate 

The residents of Jamuhuri Estates raised concerns that the floodlights in their residential area work only during the day when they are not need and switch off at night. This needs to be rectified for the flood lights to serve their true purpose.

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