In this article we are coming up with a database of all associate and full Economics professors in Kenya. These are scholars with at least a doctorate degree and have earned the title of professor from various universities in Kenya or around the world. After exhausting the professors we have in Kenya, we will cover those living in diaspora. Enjoy reading this comprehensive list of distinguished Economics professors in Kenya.
Prof. Germano Mwabu

The first on the list of Economics professors in Kenya that we are going to cover is Prof Germano Mwabu. He earned his PhD in 1984 from Boston University. He served as a Rockefeller Postdoctoral Fellow from 1993 to 1996. Since 1990s he has worked in various capacities at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).
2. Prof. Antony Wambugu

Prof. Antony Wambugu earned his PhD in 2003 from University of Goteborg in Sweden and Master’s degree in Economics from University of Botswana in 1995. This Economics professor in Kenya is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Nairobi from 2007 to date.
3. Prof. Damiano Kulundu Manda
Professor Damiano Manda earned his PhD in Economics from Gothenburg University in 1997 and a Master of Arts in Economics in 1990 from University of Nairobi. In 2011 he was appointed an Associate Economics Professor at the University of Nairobi (UON) a position he has been holding to date. Prof. Manda has climbed the ladder from the position of a graduate assistant in 1988 to the current position as a professor.
4. Prof. Peter Kimuyu
The next person in our list of Economics professors in Kenya is Prof. Peter Kimuyu. He earned his PhD in economics in 1988 from University of Nairobi. Previously, he had earned two master’s degrees University of Surrey and UON. In 1975, he earned a Bachelor of Education degree in Economics and Education.
Prof. Peter Kimuyu is the founding Director of School of Economics. Elsewhere, he worked as Executive Director of IPAR. He also the visiting scholar at the School of Economics University of Gothenburg.
Prof. Kimuyu is a member of prestigious bodies such as New York Academy of Sciences, Chairman Board of Trustees for Reaching out of Africa’s Poor.
5. Prof. Jane Kabubo-Mariara

Our first woman in the list of Economics professors in Kenya is Prof. Jane Kabubo-Mariara. She is currently working as an Executive Director (ED) at the Partnership for Economic Policy. She is also a professor at University of Nairobi (UON).
Prof. Jane Mariara previously served as a Director of School of Economics at University of Nairobi. She is a resource person at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). Finally, Prof Jane Mariara has over 25 years of university teaching and research experience.
6. Prof. Martin Etyang

Professor Martin Etyang earned his PhD in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in 1994. Before that he had graduated with Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the same University and a Bachelor of Education in Economics from University of Nairobi in 1977.
Prof. Martin Etyang has published articles in refereed journals with other authors such as Onono, Kinuthia, Manyasa, Bosire and Susan Onwonga among others.
Professor Martin Etyang has served in various administrative positions such as: Registrar Administration at Kenyatta University for 6 years up to 2005.
7. Prof. Nelson Wawire

The next scholar on Economics professors in Kenya is Nelson Wawire is an Associate Professor at Kenyatta University. In 2006 Prof. Wawire graduated with a doctorate degree in Economics from Kenyatta University. Previously, he had graduated with a Bachelor of Education Arts in Economics and Business Studies and Master in Economics from the same university.
Professor Nelson Wawire a member of this prestigious list of professors of economics in Kenya has served under various capacities in various institutions such as Dean at Kenyatta University’s School of Economics, Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Acting Dean, Committee Member at the Teaching and Referral Hospital at Kenyatta University, Programme Coordinator, Chairman Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Review Committee and Exams Coordinator at the Department of Economics among other positions.
Professor Wawire has successfully supervised 24 doctorate students and 11 more are ongoing. He has supervised 44 Master’s students and all of them have completed their studies.
8. Prof. Tabitha Wagithi Kiriti-Nganga
Prof. Tabitha Wagithi Kiriti-Nganga is one of the Economics Professors in Kenya who works at the University of Nairobi. The professor earned her PhD in Economics in 2003 from University of Queensland School of Economics in Brisbane. She also has other qualifications such as Diploma in Legal Instruments of International Economic Relations from University of Barcelona; Master of Arts in Economics from UON (1987) and Bachelor of Education in Business Studies and Economics from UON (1984).
Tabitha is a full professor of Economics since February 2016. The professor has specialized in International economics and development economics among others.
Professor Tabitha has won awards such as WTO Chairs Program 2009, IDRC 2010, International Health Policy Program 1997 and AERC Research Grant in 1997 and 2001 among many others.
Professor Tabitha has consulted for organizations such as Society for International Development (SID), World Trade Organization (WTO), UNCTAD, AWSC, World Bank Group, Insurance Regulatory Authority, UNDP, UNES, CYTONN, COMESA and UN Women among others.
9. Prof. Terry Ryan
Prof. Terry Ryan is one of the Economics Professors in Kenya who has held many positions in Kenya’s public sector. He has worked as an advisor on economic policy in government as well as in the private sector in Kenya. He previously worked as a Commissioner at the Commission on University Education. Further, he has held senior positions at the Central Bank of Kenya and has been a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He served as Director of Planning at the Ministry of Planning and National Development in Kenya. In the past, he worked as Economic Secretary at the Ministry of Finance in Kenya.

In terms of teaching, Professor Terry Ryan taught at the University of Nairobi as an Associate Professor.
He has consulted widely with the World Bank Group, UN Agencies and the Government of Kenya. Professor Terry Ryan is widely published locally and internationally.
Ryan was the head of Postgraduate department from 1966 to 1983 at the University of Nairobi where he taught a common unit called “pure economics” which was compulsory for any student who wanted to graduate with a degree.
10. Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u
Professor Njuguna Ndung’u was a former Governor of Central Bank of Kenya where he served for two terms of 4 years each. From 2003 to 2007 he served as the Director of Training at African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).
Professor Njuguna earned his PhD in Economics from Gothenburg University in Sweden and has worked as a Principal Researcher for Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) and International Development Research Center (IDRC).
Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u had worked as a staff member at the Department of Economics since 1987. He rose the ranks to a position of Associate Professor. Njuguna has published widely on economic policy.
11. Prof. Seth Omondi Gor
Prof. Seth Omondi Gor is an economist by profession who teaches at the University of Nairobi. He has taught Trade, macro, industrial and welfare economics. He earned his PhD in Economics from University of Nairobi in 2008. Previous he had graduated with a Master’s degree in Economics and Bachelor of Education Arts both from Kenyatta University.
Professor Seth has also undertaken other certificate courses such as Trade Empirics using STATA, Trade Policy Analysis, Data collection methods, trade policy, political economy and data retrieval using TradeSift, Analysis of National Accounts and Pedagogy.
For 22 years Prof. Seth has researched and taught at the University level. He has been supervising Masters and PhD students for more than 20 years.
He has worked as a lecturer for University of Nairobi, University of Lusaka, University of Lund, University of Mauritius, Maseno University (Tutorial Fellow) and Kenyatta University (Teaching Assistant).
Prof. Seth has consulted for East Africa Community (EAC), Trade Policy Training Center in Africa, Ministry of Labor, United Nations Population Fund and UN Africa Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders.
12. Prof. Bitange Ndemo

Bitange Ndemo is a full professor at the Department of Business Administration School of Business- Nairobi University. He was a former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Information and Communication and Board Member at Safaricom PLC and Senior Advisor to Research ICT Africa. In 2000, Bitange Ndemo earned a PhD in Industrial Economics from University of Sheffield in England and in 1991 he had earned a Master in Management Information Systems from University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, USA.
From 2013 to date he has been working in a special assignment as a Senior Advisor as the UN Global Pulse or Big Data Initiative.
He was promoted to an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship in 2013 by the University of Nairobi.
Prof. Bitange Ndemo has consulted for the World Bank, Lake Region Development, Teachers Service Commission, Ministry of Information and Tourism, Kenya Public Service Commission, Civil Service Reform Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Lands and Settlement.
Finally, Prof Bitange Ndemo has been a columnist writing a weekly column on the Daily Nation and Business Daily, The Financial Standard and the Jua Kali Weekly newspapers.
13. Prof. Willy Muturi

Prof. Willy Muturi is a socio-economic expert with over 27 years of experience teaching, supervising and consulting and one of the professors of economics in Kenya. He holds a Bachelor’s, Masters and doctorate degrees in Economics.
Willy Muturi is currently serving as an Associate Professor at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
He has in the past held several other positions withing the University. Before joining JKUAT in 1990, he worked for Kenya forestry research as a scientist.
Prof. Willy Muturi has consulted for UNDP, World Bank Group, IRA, JICA, FSD Trust and International Labor Organization (ILO).
14. Prof. Samuel Mazera Mwakubo
Prof. Samuel Mazera Mwakubo is one of the Economics Professors in Kenya. He earned his PhD in Environmental Economics from Moi University in 2003.
He is currently working as an Associate Professor of of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Pwani University.
Professor Samuel has grown from a high school teacher at Ramisi Secondary School in Kwale to his current position as a Dean School of Business and Economics at Pwani University.
15. Prof. Shitanda Wafula Masai
Prof. Wafula Masai is one of the Economics Professors in Kenya. Masai is currently working at the University of Nairobi and also as a Commissioner at the Commission on Revenue Allocation.
Masai Wafula earned his doctorate in Analysis and Planning for Development from the University of Grenoble in France in 1982. Before that he had earned an Advanced Diploma in Economics from the same University in 1979. He also holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Grenoble.
Professor Masai Wafula has worked for various organizations Commissioner, African Centre for Economic Growth (ACEG), National University of Lesotho, NEPAD and Nyayo Motor Corporation.
Professor Masai has consulted for Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, NEPAD-APRM Country Review Mission to Nigeria, East Africa Business Council, Athi Water Service Board, World Bank, Ford Foundation, KIPPRA, Export Promotion Council of Kenya, East Africa Breweries Limited, UNDP, International Institute for Democracy, Ministry of Trade and Industry, University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services (UNES), UNICEF Kenya Office, ICDC and International Labor Organization.
Professor Masai Wafula has participated in a number of short study tours such as those organized by Finance Commission of India, study tour of South Africa, staff exchange at the University of Antwerp in Belgium (1998), writers workshop at Cornell University (1998), AERC, IPAR and UNEP among others.
16. Prof. George Kinoti King’oriah
In our list of Economics Professors in Kenya, we highlight the profile of George Kinoti King’oriah who is currently lecturing and researching at the Technical University of Kenya.
He studied Land Economics at University of Nairobi (1971), then moved to Indiana State University where he earned a Master’s degree in Economics with a focus on Urban regional analysis (1978) and in 1980 he earned a PhD in Economic Geography from the same University. He was promoted to being a professor in May 2019.
Professor George Kinoti has held a number of administrative positions such as Dean at University of Nairobi’s Faculty of Architecture (1986-1990), Principal College of Architecture and Engineering (1992-1994). Professor George Kinoti has been Chairman of department of Land Development at UON and Real Estate Appraiser at the Ministry of Lands and Settlement (1973-1974).
Professor George Kinoti started teaching at the University of Nairobi in 1975 where he taught courses such as land economics, town and country planning, urban economics and management, econometrics and calculus.
Between 1994 to 1997 he served as a Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration at Egerton University.
17. Prof. Robert Mudida

Prof. Robert Mudida is one of the Economics professors in Kenya. He is an Associate Professor at Strathmore University Business School.
Professor Robert Mudida earned his MSc. Financial Economics from University of London (SOAS). He also earned an MA and PhD in International studies from University of Nairobi (UON). Here he specialized in conflict analysis and international political economy.
Professor Robert Mudida has a lot of experience having worked for numerous international organizations. He has worked with both the Embassy of Chile and that of Spain in Kenya.
He has consulted widely with the World Bank as well as Financial Sector Deepening Trust among others.
18. Prof. Alloys Ayako

Prof. Alloys Ayako is the Director of Research, Innovation and Graduate Training at Catholic University since August 2007. For 6 years, he served as a Chief Economist at Central Bank of Kenya (1999 – 2006).
Prof. Alloys Ayako earned a PhD in Economics from Boston University (1979- 1984). He also earned a Masters in Arts in Political Economy from the same university.
19. Prof. Joseph Ongeri

Prof. Joseph Ongeri is the Dean at Catholic University of East Africa. He holds a PhD in Adult Economic Education (Pennsylvania University – USA), MA Economics (UON), MSc. Economics (Purdue University) and BA Economics (UON).
Prof. Joseph Ongeri has taught Economics at Kenya College of Accountancy (KCA), Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) and Kenyatta University (KU). The professor is interested in financial analysis, applied economics and economic development.
Prof. Joseph Ongeri has successfully supervised 27 doctorate students and 100 masters degree students.
Before Prof. Joseph Ongeri moved to the USA, he worked as an economist at the Ministry of Planning in Kenya.
20. Prof. Dickson Nyariki

Prof. Dickson Nyariki is one of the Economics Professors in Kenya. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from University of Reading in United Kingdom (1997). He is currently the Vice Chancellor at Murang’a University of Technology.
Professor Dickson Nyariki also studied economic crops for arid lands at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel in 1990.
Professor Dickson Nyariki has taught and conducted research for more than 20 years. His research focuses on natural research productivity, natural resource policy and livestock marketing among other areas.
Professor Dickson Nyariki is a member of professional bodies such as British Agricultural Society, East African Wildlife Society (EAWS) among others.
21. Professor Michael Chege
Professor Michael Chege is a Political Economist by training and practice. He has worked for organizations such as Rockfeller Foundations, IDRC, Ford Foundation, USAID and UNDP. Professor Michael Chege has written and published extensively on governance and development issues in Africa. He earned a PhD degree from University of California at Berkeley. Between 1976 and 1988, Professor Michael Chege taught at the University of Nairobi before he proceeded to work as a Program Officer at the Ford Foundation where he was in charge of funding projects in Southern and Eastern Africa.
Professor Michael Chege has served as a consultant for the World Bank Group among other organizations.
22. Prof. Bernard Njehia
Professor Bernard Njehia is the current Dean School of Agriculture and Enterprise Development at Kenyatta University. He graduated with a PhD in Agricultural Economics from University of Hohenheim, Germany in 1994.
(to be regularly updated)
Call to Action: If you know any professors of Economics in Kenya who have not been covered here, let us know in the comments section below. We will add their profile ASAP.
Various university websites
Resumes of various professors
LinkedIn profiles
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