The nominees to President Uhuru Kenyatta ‘s Cabinet are pending for vetting in Parliament. However, Kenyans on Twitter popularly known as #KOT heated up their handles today asking President Uhuru Kenyatta to recall the list. A group of Kenyans is also planning to stage a protest tomorrow 8th February 2018 in Nairobi to increase pressure on the president to consider recalling the list. They cited unconstitutionality of the position of The Chief Administrative Secretary, a post that the president introduced into the cabinet but does not exist in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The said list is also claimed to have failed to include the women, youths and people living with disabilities who have a right to hold public offices according to the constitution. Maskani Ya Taifa tweeted adding that the protest is also meant to protect taxpayers’ funds by removing the non existent dockets introduced by the president i.e CAS.
Chritine Oguto under the trending hashtag #RecallTheListKE brought the issue of democracy- A government for the people and by the people an aspect she thought President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government is failing to recognize according to her.
More is likely to unveil tomorrow. More:
- Dr Alfred Mutua Validly elected
- Kenyatta National Hospital doctors successfully reattach an arm cut during an accident
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