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Dubai Police have arrested women who was filmed naked on a balcony of a skyscraper. 

Violations of public decency laws in United Arab Emirates can lead to imprisonment for 6 months and heavy fines. 

The video of these naked women went viral online. UAE is government by Sharia or Islamic laws. 

Late on Saturday, photos and videos showing over a dozen naked women, lined up on a balcony while being filmed in Dubai’s upmarket Marina neighborhood in broad daylight, splashed across social media.

It came as a shock in UAE where behavior like drinking alcohol without a license or kissing in public, has landed people in jail.

Dubai police said those arrested over the ‘indecent’ video had been referred to the public prosecution.

Dubai Police

‘Such unacceptable behaviors,’ the police statement said, ‘do not reflect the values and ethics of Emirati society.’

The UAE, while liberal in many regards compared to its Middle Eastern neighbors, has strict laws governing self expression.

People in UAE have been jailed for their comments and videos online.

The UAE’s majority state-owned telecom companies block access to major pornographic sites. 

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