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Australia has a rich history of activism, with a diverse range of protest styles that reflect the nation’s commitment to social change.

On Saturday 17th December, 2016 Australians showed their prowess in protesting. Hundreds of people gathered at parliament house in Canberra for a mass protest roll.

The Australian government was planning to build a security fence that would effectively block access to the hill as well as other capital grounds. This is what triggered the protest.

The protesters opposed to the erecting of the wall rolled down the grassy slope in their numbers. There were people from all walks of life: adults, children and even dogs joined the final roll. It is reported that in the past, visitors to parliament had made an habit of walking up the hill and then rolling down. This gave the Australians a sense of walking on and over their government.

The protest was successfully organized by an architect, Lester Yao. It was widely covered on social media and YouTube. It is expected that by earlier 2017 the fence will be in place.

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