Nairobi City County Can get 86% of Its Water Demand from Storm Water
Water Research and Resource Centre (WRRC) of JKUAT has found out that if Nairobi city taps 30% of its storm water, it will add 596,485 cubic meters every single day to its reservoirs. The research is lead by Prof. Bancy Mati who is the current director of WRRC.
The demand for water in Nairobi city stands at 720,000 cubic meters per day but only 570,000 cubic meters per day are available for supply. This demand is expected to grow to 820,000 cubic meters per day by 2020.
Other findings are as listed below:
a) 65.2% of Nairobi city residents from low income areas do not harvest rain water
b) Researchers have suggested that new housing estates should have in place a storm water management plan and put in place storage, recycling and reticulation facilities.
c) The study has discovered that 28% of the water supplied to Nairobi City gets wasted through leakage.
d) Further, more wastage happens when Nairobi City residents leave taps running when not in use.
e) The lead research compared Durban to Nairobi City water demand. Durban, a city in South Africa has 480 million cubic meters of water for its 3.6 million residents compared to just 88 million cubic meters only for 4.3 million Nairobians.
f) Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) signed a memorandum with WARREC to jointly conduct studies to enable the water company to become more efficient in delivering its mandate.
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