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My reading list, 6/9/2018

A reading list is a curated collection of books, articles, or other written materials intended for learning, self-improvement, or enjoyment

Below is a list of articles you can consume this morning:

  1. Interesting obituary of former Malawian President, Hastings Kamuzu Banda (Independent);
  2. What is driving Africa’s Off-Grid Energy Start-ups (TechCabal);
  3. Governments default on debt more than you think (The Mises Wire);
  4. Database of Sovereign defaults, 2017 (Bank of Canada);
  5. President Youweri Museveni threatens to do away with Parliament (Read here);
  6. Asgardia- The Space Kingdom;
  7. The Constitution of Kingdom of Asgardia ;
  8. Risks and returns of cryptocurrencies (Vox);
  9. Kenya Urban Areas Performance Report (IEA Kenya);
  10. M 6.7 Earthquake hits Japan (Read here).

Enjoy reading.

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