Net Worth of Mwai Kibaki is estimated to be Ksh. 150 billion.
For more than 50 years, Mwai Kibaki has accumulated his wealth in many sectors.
Mwai Kibaki net-worth is made up of his Muthaiga Home. He was among the first Africans to settle in Muthaiga in 1963. This was a whites-only estate.
Muthaiga estate is home to Kenya’s Who is Who such as Manu Chandaria, Jimmy Wanjigi as well as Charles Njonjo.

Mwai Kibaki was a member of Muthaiga Golf Club where he played his favorite sport.
Mwai Kibaki owned two homes in Muthaiga, he lived in one and rented out the other.
The renowned economist Makhtar Diop was among some of his tenants while he was working as country director for World Bank.
Those who know estimate the value of the home owned by Mwai Kibaki in Muthaiga at Ksh. 600 million.
Othaya Rural Home
Mwai Kibaki owns a 20 acre farm in Othaya where he will be buried alongside his wife.
The Othaya home includes an air strip, family houses, police post, tea farm and approximately two acres of avocados.
Mwai Kibaki also owns another 10 acre tea farm near the Othaya home.
Mweiga Retirement home
The state built a home valued at Ksh. 400 million for Mwai Kibaki’s retirement.
The property is located on a 100 acre farm which was donated by a Kenyan company where Mwai Kibaki was a shareholder.
Instead of retirement at the Mweiga home, Mwai Kibaki opted to stay at his Muthaiga home. Kibaki preferred to be in an urban and cosmopolitan area instead of a village setting.
Nairobi City Buildings
Mwai Kibaki was among the earliest Africans to invest on buildings in Nairobi’s Commercial Business District.
He established Heri Limited in the 1970s for investment in real estate. Through the company, Mwai Kibaki owns shares in Norfolk Towers as well as Koloboto Gardens.
Net Worth of Mwai Kibaki is also made up of International Life House with the Late Chris Kirubi.
Previously, Net Worth of Mwai Kibaki owned Union Towers but sold it in 2014 for Ksh. 800 million.
Mwai Kibaki is a proud owner of ranches around Kenya. He owns Lombara Ranch in Laikipia which is 20,000 acres in size.
Net Worth of Mwai Kibaki also owns 600 acres of Rware wheat farm near his Mweiga retirement home.
Other investments
Net Worth of Mwai Kibaki is made up of numerous properties such as beach plots in Diani and Nyali, share on some buildings in Nyeri town, investments on blue chip companies on Nairobi Stock Exchange.
Mwai Kibaki owns Silver Springs in Nairobi, Green Hill Hotels, a 10,000 farm on the outskirts of Nakuru City.
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