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A man who publicly supported caning for adultery  as punishment  ironically found himself subjected to the same fate after being caught in an affair

A man in Indonesia was caned in public for adultery under a draconian law which he was responsible in creating.

Mukhlis, who is a member of the Aceh Ulema Council (MPU) in Indonesia received 28 strokes of the cane in public after being caught having sexual intercourse with a married woman.

Mulkhlis runs an agency which advises the local government on both drafting as well as implementing religious laws.

AFP news Agency shared a video showing the man receiving his 28 strokes of the cane on Thursday. The audience filmed the event on their cellphones. The woman with whom he committed adultery also received numerous strokes of the cane.

Aceh is the only Province in Indonesia where Sharia Law is implemented and caning is the favorite method for punishing several offenses such as drinking alcohol, adultery and homosexuality.

“No matter who you are…if you violate Islamic law you will be whipped,” said Husaini Wahab- deputy regent of Acer Besar Municipality.

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