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I recently visited Uganda to attend a conference on issues of minorities and indigenous communities. I learnt several things about the country. Chief among them Uganda laws, policies and practices.

Below is a summary of my lessons:

  • Uganda’s capital is Kampala;
  • Uganda’s 1995 Constitution does not allow dual citizenship (see Article 15);
  • Ugandans have a right to education (Article 30);
  • Constitution provides for protection of minorities (Article 36);
  • Right to Culture (Art. 37);
  • The Public Finance Management Act 2017 provides that the Minister for Finance must give authority to the Accountant General to withdraw resources from the Consolidated Fund;
  • The Minister provides authority to raise loans (sec 36);
  • Section 75 of the PFM Act provides the formula for sharing Petroleum Revenue where National Government takes 94% while local governments located in the petroleum exploration or production area takes 6% of the royalties;
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