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In 23 consecutive days, Laos has confirmed no new Covid- 19 cases, deputy health minister Phouthone Meaungpak said on Tuesday.

Out of 2,223 samples tested, only 19 cases have been confirmed and zero deaths so far. 9 patients have recovered.

The National taskforce on Covid -19 announced that it’s monitoring 617 people at 137 centres across the country, with 358 people self-isolating at home.

Laos government eased lockdown measures as from 4th May. The government is not ruling out the possibility of a second outbreak and serious preventative measures have been put in place.

Hotels, guesthouses, coffee shops, barber shops, beauty salons have been allowed to reopen under strict measures. However, Bars, night markets, casinos, indoor gyms, spa and massage parlours and cinemas remain closed.

All business owners are expected to educate their employees on proper prevention measures.

First case of Coronavirus was confirmed in Laos on 24th March 2020.

Source: The Star

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