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When you visit villages around Kenya, you will notice that there are those who have largely benefited from devolution and there are also those who have never benefited from the fruits of devolution. I have been look at this matter for months now.


On October, 2018 I interviewed residents of Vumbu village in Kwale County and walked around the village to verify their statements. They had truly been neglected by their local government. Here is the video of the interview.


In January, 2019 I visited another village in the county called Bwiti in Lunga Lunga Sub-County in Kwale County to check whether they have a different narrative. It seems they are also not get enough development projects to ensure progressive access to basic services.


The video captures what the residents of Bwiti village in Kwale County want in order to enjoy access to basic services.


Read More: Importance of education from community perspective

They further called for the opening and equipping of Chigombero dispensary to ensure they serve the locals with quality healthcare. A borehole should be drilled and equipped to serve the dispensary and the residents who live around the health facility.


The representative called for facilitation of Community Healthy Volunteers (CHVs) because they walk long distances to do their work.


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