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Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has reinstated two maize flour brands that were earlier said to contain high levels of Aflatoxin.

Kifaru Maize flour brand is manufactured by Alpha Grain Millers Limited while Dola maize flour brand is manufactured by Kitui Flour Mills Limited. The two have been allowed back to the market after meeting the necessary changes that were recommended by the standards watchdog KEBS.

KEBS new managing Director Benard Njiraini issued a statement yesterday.

‘’I am glad to announce that the companies have completed these process and hereby lift the suspension of the permits for their brands. The directives have included recalling of all the batches, implementing corrective actions in order to avoid recurrence such as mandatory testing of every consignment of raw materials being received at the factory before milling, control measures and maintenance of appropriate records under supervision of KEBS.’’

The other maize flour brands that were suspended by KEBS weeks ago include:

  1. Jembe by Kensal Rise Limited
  2. Starehe by Pan African Grain Millers
  3. 210 Two Ten by Kenblest Limited

Mr. Njiraini said the three are still undertaking corrective measures and their ban will be lifted once they are done.

‘’KEBS will notify the public once the concerned manufacturers have taken adequate corrective actions to warrant lifting of their respective permits to allow them to continue production and prevent future recurrence. ‘’ He added.

Earlier, 7 peanut butter brands were also suspended due to high levels of Aflatoxin. They include:

  1. Nutty by Nature Target Distributors
  2. Zesta by Trufoods Limited
  3. Nuteez by Jetlak Foods Limited
  4. Supa Meal by Supacosm Products Limited
  5. True Nuts by Truenutz Kenya
  6. Sue’s Naturals by Nature’s Way Health
  7. Fressy by Fressy Food Company


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