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The Big Four Agenda will be the main focus of this year’s national budget. The CS Treasury will highlight strategies to be employed to Ensure President Uhuru Kenyatta leaves a legacy during his second term.


1. Affordable Housing

Kenya budget speech 2018 indicates that Jubilee government aims at constructing an excess of 500,000 social and affordable housing for Kenyans by 2022.


2. Manufacturing

On manufacturing, the national assembly plans to ensure this sector contributes a minimum of 15% of GDP.


3. Universal Health care Coverage

Under the Big Four Agenda, Jubilee plans to attain universal health coverage. This is a situation where every one has access to health care services at affordable rates. In my own imagination I foresee a situation where by 2022 Kenya shall have reduced out-of-pocket (OOP) by a great margin. This is a already crippling Kenyans in large numbers.


The national government is also planning to create health care tourism where we attract patients from all over the world due to presence of highly qualified professionals, availability of medical equipment and other infrastructure such as hospitals.


4. Food Security

This is the final part of the Big Four Agenda. Kenya needs food security considering that the country is water insecure compared to many parts of the world.


To achieve this goal, the Kenyan government must think and come up with strategies to bring to an end the over-dependence on rain-fed agriculture.


We need to put millions of acres under irrigation. This cannot happen if we do not curb corruption and the alleged misappropriation of funds at the National Irrigation Board(NIB).


Those in power need to crack the whip on corruption. We can have a down-up approach. We must be our brother’s keeper. The war on corruption is good because as you have seen, we cannot have food security so long as corruption is with us.


Those are my thoughts on the big four agenda. Let us hear yours on this matter on the comments section. We’ll be glad to have a discussion on the same.


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