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Suntory Holdings owner Nobutada Saji & family net worth is estimated to be $9.3 billion. Nobutada Saji is the chairman of Suntory Holdings, a beverage powerhouse. This is one of the oldest companies involved in distribution of alcoholic drinks in Japan.


Suntory Holdings produces beer, soft drinks, spirits, wine, health & wellness products. The company has a long and rich history.

Suntory Holdings purchased U.S. Beam for $16 billion back in 2014. The chief operating officer and executive vice president is Nobuhiro Torii since 2016.


Suntory Holdings was established in 1899 by nobutada saji & family. In 2023, the company celebrated 100 years since they built their first distillery for whisky in Yamazaki, Kyoto. The Group of companies now has operations in Americas, Africa, Oceania, Asia and Europe.

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In 2023, Santori made a revenue of $20 billion from their businesses.


Below are companies owned by Suntory Holdings;

1.Suntory China Beverages

2. Suntory China Holding

3. ASC Fine Wines Holding Ltd – sales imported wines and mineral water;

4. Suntory China Quality Assurance Center Co., Ltd


6. Suntory F&B International Group

7. Suntory Trading Hong Kong Ltd

8. Suntory Wellness Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Taiwan Branch

9. Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pacific


11. Suntory Beverage & Food Thailand

12. Suntory PepsiCo Beverage Thailand Co., Ltd., – produces and sells non-alcoholic beverages in Thailand

13. Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam Beverage Co., Ltd. – produces and sells non-alcoholic beverages in Vietnam

14. Frucor Suntory Group – produces and sales non-alcoholic beverages in Ocenia

15. Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd

16. Suntory Foods Ltd – Okinawa

17. Suntory Foods Okinawa Ltd

18. Suntory Beverage Solution Ltd

19. Japan Beverage Holdings Inc

20. Suntory Products Ltd

21. Suntory Spirits Ltd

22. Kyushu Suntory Techno Products Ltd

23. Fwines Co., Ltd- sales of imported fine wines

24. Iwanohara Vineyard Co., Ltd – Vineyard located in Japan

25. Carve de Relax Co., Ltd – manages wine stores

26. Vinos Yamazaki Co., Ltd.– wine importing and sales

27. Monte Bussan K.K. – imports Italian Wines and Food

28. Okinawa Suntory Ltd

29. Suntory Wellness Ltd

30. Connecto Co., Ltd – sells herbs products

31. Suntory Concierge Service Ltd – design, building and operation of call centers

32. Suntory Flowers Ltd- sells flowers and and vegetables

33. Suntory Marketing & Commerce Ltd – liquor equipment sales and offers promotional support

34. Suntory Publicity Service Ltd – marketing and public relations

35. Suntory Investment and Development Ltd- online sale of wine and alcoholic services

36. Sun-Ad Co., Ltd- sales promotions, advertising and publicity

37. Häagen-Dazs Japan, Inc – sales premium ice creams

38. DYNAC CORPORATION  – operates and manages restaurants

39. Pronto Corporation – cafes

40. Izutsu Maisen Co., Ltd. – meals and side dishes

41. Suntory Coffee Roastery Ltd – coffee bean roasting and tea extract business

42. Suntory Malting Ltd – produces, stores and warehouse malt for use in beer

43. Suntory Logistics Ltd – Transportation and storage of Santory Products

44. Suntory Business Systems Ltd –

45. Suntory System Technology Ltd – supports new business creation for the Group of Companies through use of IT.

50. Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd- scientific research

51. Suntory Corporate Business Ltd – sells Santory Group products to corporate customers;

52. SUNTORY FIELD EXPERT Co.,Ltd – manages in-store promotional activities of Sanory Group products



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