Leisure and business are often seen as separate spheres, yet they can intertwine in ways that benefit both personal well-being and professional growth
Martin and Geoffrey facilitating a session on how to influence national and regional planning.Injustices should never be allowed to pass without a challenge from the people. For instance, there are allegations that Ugandan MPs want to change Article 26 of Uganda’s Constitution to allow government to acquire private land and pay compensation later. This should be challenged. Injustice.

It’s a common practice for governments to come up with development plans without involving the members of the public. This is immoral.
It should be brought to an end.

Apart from South Africa having great wildlife, they have strong civil society organizations. In addition to that her people are ready to take action against injustice.
South Africa is a land of protesters.

Satini Uganda is doing a lot of good work around scrutinizing bilateral government trade treaties as well as laws on investment.
It’s very important to collaborate with like minded people in search for solutions. SOLIDARITY.