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Important links 14/01/2019

Below is a list of important links you can read this morning:

  1. Twitter users in China Face Detention and threats in new Beijing crackdown (Business Daily);

“One man spent 15 days in a detention centre. Police threatened another’s family. A third was chained to a chair for eight hours of interrogation. Their offence: posting on Twitter,” BD

2. Rwanda Tea fetches higher price than Kenya’s (Business Daily);

3. 14-seater matatu licences double ahead of plans to restrict business (Business Daily);

On January, 2016 the government issued a legal notice stopping licensing of 14-seater public transporters and in their place be replaced by PSVs carrying 25 people or more. The implementation of this legal notice was to start on 1 January, 2019.

4. Key focus points for Africa in 2019 (Business Daily);

5. SGR pact with China a risk to Kenyan sovereignty, assets (Daily Nation);

6. Kenya shoe imports increased 17pc in quarter three of last year (BD);

7. DT Dobie takes on Isuzu with PSVs (BD);

8. Resolutions to get your firm’s legal affairs in order (BD);

9. Street Art without boarders (BD);

10. Passenger carries firearm through TSA screening at Atlanta onto Delta flight (;



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