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Images from Rolf’s Place Kitengela

Yesterday, 15th December, 2017 I was at Rolf’s Place in Kitengela. As usual I captured great images to keep you posted.

Below is the picture story:

Photo: For a moment I was Santa
Photo: For a moment I was Santa Claus. 🙂 
Photo: Juxtaposition happiness with Sadness. I came across this statue at Kitengela Hot Glass.
Photo: Juxtaposition happiness with Sadness. I came across this statue at Kitengela Hot Glass.
Photo: Broken bottles at Kitengela Hot Glass. When you drink a beer and break the bottle think twice there is someone who needs it.
Photo: Broken bottles at Kitengela Hot Glass. When you drink a beer and break the bottle think twice there is someone who needs it for recycling and making beautiful products such as flower vases, glass water containers among others. 

Expect more updates from our end this festive season.

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