I travel from Nairobi to my rural home in Nakuru County. This is where I grow maize, beans, onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes for family consumption and the excess for the local market.
When I am at the farm, I work half day doing farm activities such as tilling the farm, weeding, fencing or clearing bushes.
There is a lot of activities at the farm which need my attention. There is also many more activities which need to be introduced in order to have a complete farm for a former city dweller.
What new activities to introduce?
I have details plans of introducing dog breeding with a specialization on German Shepards. These are working dogs which I will keep for their capacity to ensure homes are secure and well protected from thieves and other unwanted invaders.
Second, I will introduce hens for egg and broilers for the market and also for one consumption. Hens are the main source of proteins for many homesteads across Kenya.
Finally, I will introduce rabbits for their fast breedings. These will serve as a source of meat for my German shepards and for clients who consume rabbit meat.
What is the weather like this January 2025. The weather in my village homestead is largely very hot during the day but cold at night. We are living at the two extreme ends of the weather conditions.
How do I access electricity ?
My rural homestead is not connected to the mains power. Electricity is a luxury for us. We do not intend or foresee connecting to the main power lines any time soon. This is because the nearest transformer is approximately two and Half kilometers away. We also love being off grid because that is one expense we are not paying.
In order to charge our phones, power banks and lights we have invested in a foldable solar panel which is rated 21 watts. That is how we charge our electronic devices and charge mobile phones for getting in touch with the rest of the world out there.
Therefore, whenever we are tilling the land, we have our power banks, lights and phones charging at the edge of the farm as we work on the farm.
Do I work?
Current, I don’t have a corporate role. My job ended in September 2024. The International NGO I was working for decided to lay off staff as a strategy to handle their financial difficulties. They would no longer afford our services. Hence, I am now a gun for hire. I offer Search Engine Optimization services for website owners. I mean I help drive organic traffic to your website. It can be a blog, an e-commerce website or organization website. If you have this kind of work reach out to me on email info@kerosi.com.