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Harun Aydin is one of the individuals who was barred from traveling from Kenya to Uganda alongside Deputy President William Ruto. 


Harun Aydin was later allowed to travel to Uganda and on his trip back to Kenya,  he was arrested at the Wilson Airport.


The Turkish Embassy in Nairobi Kenya has stated that Harun Aydin is a Turkish investor who has traveled to Kenya on numerous occasions using his Turkish passport. 


The Turkish investor Harun Aydin was picked up by the immigration officers for questioning upon landing from Uganda.


Harun Aydin was locked up at the anti-terror offices along Ngong Road in Nairobi.



Oscar Sudi dismissed claims that Harun Aydin has terror links. 


“I had made it clear that if indeed Aydin is a terrorist, then I should be the first one to be arrested. They allege they want to interrogate him but they are trying to provoke the Deputy President because he remained silent when they blocked him from travelling,” said Oscar Sudi, MP for Kapseret. 


The embassy added that Harun Aydin is a businessman who came to Kenya for business and is not a wanted person as many claimed. 


Officials said they want to question him on his immigration status, work permit and the type of business he is involved in in Kenya. 


Who is Haru Aydin? 

Harun Aydin, 55, is a Turkish national who runs a company known as Unit 2HA Investment Energy Africa Ltd


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