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Freedom251. World's cheapest smartphone.
Freedom251. World’s cheapest smartphone. Source: Wikimedia Commons

India is the home of the world’s cheapest smartphone. This device (Freedom 251) is produced by Ringing Bells company. It is an Android phone with impressive features according to the company. It is made up of the following features a) Camera (front and back) b) 1 GB RAM c) 8GB internal storage and d) quad-core processor.

There are two main models. White and black. Other features include: calculator, email, web browser and music player.

Ringing Bells was founded by Mohit Goel who is the current CEO. The demand of this product is very high. This was witnessed after 70 million people registered on the company website leading to its crash.

People reported that what was given to them was a Chinese-made phone (Adcom) painted white on the front.

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