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Dominic Ongwen is one of the senior commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Ongwen and Kony are the only remaining senior commanders of LRA. Ongwen told the International Criminal Court that he is a victim of atrocities and not a perpetrator as depicted by the ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda. 

At the age of 10, Dominic Ongwen was abducted by LRA when he was returning to school. Among the charges that were read against him were: forced marriages, murder, rape, attempted murder, sexual slavery and torture among others. 

“This is a very important day for the court, Uganda and for the victims of crimes for which DominicOngwen is responsible.”  said Herman Von Habel, ICC Registrar. 

About LRA 

The Lord’s Resistance Army leader has waged war in Uganda and other East and Central Africa countries for the last three decades. 

Deaths: 100,000

Abduction: 60,000 (mostly children)

The abducted children as well as villagers are converted into combatants and labourers. 

Joseph Kony has not been arrested despite the reward of USD$5 million for any information that may lead to his capture. He still remains elusive and a mystery. 

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