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According to, Deborah Carr, a professor of psychology at Boston university logic goes when it comes to love. This means that when you are in love with someone, you might not think straight.


“When people first fall in love, where they first feel infatuation, sometimes logic goes out the window. There’s lots of data showing that logical thought patterns sometimes get lost in the fray when someone really is very attracted to a person or they’re feeling the throes of passion.” Deborah said.


Love gesture



The essence of disappearance of logic does not only apply to men but also to women. Sometimes you might think that the decisions made came from logical thinking, but research says love is a force by its own and can influence in formulation of ideas.


Others say love can move mountains and some say love can be either heal or kill in extreme ends. For toxic love, this is when you will do everything to ensure its only you who ties the Knot with the partner.


in some occasions, love is not understood, we just know its name.

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