On Thursday, Dallas police used a robot to kill a man who shot and fatally injured five Dallas Police Officers. This is reported to be the first time the police is using a robot to carry out their duties.
People from all over the world have been asking the following questions:
What Happened?
There was a peaceful protest in Dallas when Michael Xavier Johnson started shooting at the police in a parking garage. This exchange of fire lasted for hours. Then the police officers became more creative through using a robot that delivered an explosive which killed the shooter.
Why the Robot?
According to Dallas Police Chief, David Brown using a bomb robot was the only remaining option. The other options would have endangered the lives of police officers.
Which Robot was Deployed?
The police used a robot which is remotely controlled to dispose bombs. It is called Northrob Grumman Remote Andros. This robot is commonly used by the military and the police around the world to respond to emergencies. It weighs approximately 220 kilograms and has a robotic arm with grippers for holding items.
Why is this news?
This is the first time the police have used a robot to kill a criminal. It has made history in the world of policing.
What is new?
In the past, the police have always used robots to dispose bombs. During standoffs, the robots have been used to find out on the location of a gunman and even deliver food to the hostages and gunmen during negotiations when no one is allowed in. In all these cases, no one has sent in an explosive to kill the gunmen.
Was this Right?
The lawyers who have specialized on police use of forceful ways are the best people to answer this question. The issue has already provoked debate around the world.
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