- Ethiopian political prisoners on hunger strike: https://bit.ly/378hSlN
- Ethiopia Covid-19 roll out plan: https://bit.ly/3rPPHQs
- Ethiopia to vaccinate 20% of her population by the end of 2021;
- 9 million doses of AstraZeneca to be received between Feb and April 2021;
- Priority will be given to healthcare workers and the elderly over 65 years;
3. Ethiopia has a huge potential for exploration and development of a variety of minerals, while it has already identified reserves of gold, tantalum, potash, platinum, and copper.
4. On 28th – 29th February, 2021 Ethiopians will be celebrating the 125th Battle of Adwa Anniversary;
5. Gambella Region’s working hours to start from 7 a.m. due to rise in temperature. According to the region’s president, Peter Howo, said that rise in temperatures has inconvenienced workers. The new working hours are 7 am – 11:30 am for morning session and 4 pm to 6:30 pm in the afternoon. These changes will be in place for the next 3 months. However, places like Majanga Zone which are not affected by weather changes will maintain the normal working hours. Temperatures as high as 40 degrees Celsius have been reported in Gambella. https://bit.ly/3u0Cje0
6. Menelik II fought and defeated the Italians but also oppressed & enslaved ethnic and religious minorities: https://www.nazret.com/2020/02/09/ethiopia-reflects-on-its-founding-fathers-triumphant-bloody-legacy/

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